Have your bed made or your clothes washed. Use our extra services.

Do you need extra “luxury” at home? Get help with washing clothes, hanging clothes or emptying the dishwasher. We also iron clothes or linen and make the bed. Let us take care of a lot of “little things” so you can just relax when you get home and enjoy a clean and tidy home.

Extra cleaning service

With extra services and add-ons, you don't have to worry about laundry and a messy bed. Let us throw the clothes in the washing machine or empty the dryer. Let us save the bed so you can just relax when you get home.

We love a clean and tidy home as much as our customers do. That's why we specialize in treating your laundry with care. We also like to swing the iron so that shirts, dresses and linen look beautiful and crisp.

You will typically receive additional services when we do the cleaning anyway. We always strive to send the same employee to our regular customers so that they know your specific needs for washing and handling textiles.

Renico performs quality control on an ongoing basis. Unless you order cleaning at a time when you are not at home, you will meet the service manager quite often, who performs quality control.

Should we help you with service?

Options for extra services and additional benefits:

About Renico

Cleaning and garden service Aarhus and East Jutland - renico.dk

Call us

(+45) 93 97 53 88
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Write to us


Consent to the processing of personal data

Processing of your personal data – consent

I hereby consent to Renico collecting and processing my personal data. Personal data includes the following types:

  • Name
  • Address 
  • Email address 
  • Telephone number

The information will not be passed on to a third party.

Information will primarily be used to contact customers in relation to creating awareness about services, news, etc. as well as invoicing and correct record keeping.

Withdrawing your consent to the processing of your personal data

You can always withdraw your consent. You can do this by contacting Renico at email: info@renico.dk

If you would like more information about Renico's personal data policy, please refer to https://renico.dk/privatlivspolitik/where this is described.