We will deliver the best cleaning experience and garden service.

Renico offers cleaning and gardening services of exceptional quality for both private and commercial purposes in Aarhus and the surrounding area.

We do not receive unsolicited job applications.

A quality-conscious family company

Renico offers cleaning and gardening services of exceptional quality for both private and commercial purposes in Aarhus and the surrounding area.

Before we begin work, we come out for a viewing to gain a thorough understanding of your needs, where we note down every detail.

Our team consists of skilled assistants and a quality manager who ensures that you always receive a high standard.

You don't have to worry about having a random cleaner as we will always send the same team.

We also offer ongoing quality control. We know that beginnings can be difficult, but our careful and professional sample service will lead to a long-term and constructive cooperation.

Contact Renico today for the best cleaning experience in Aarhus and the surrounding area!

Write to us here:

Fill out the form for a free, no-obligation inspection. Once we have looked at the task together, you will receive a concrete offer based on personal service.

We do not receive unsolicited job applications and are not currently looking for new employees.

Contact Renico

Renico ApS
Hjelmagerparken 390C, Løgten
DK-8541 Skødstrup
CVR 44432331

(+45) 93 97 53 88

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

About Renico

Cleaning and garden service Aarhus and East Jutland - renico.dk

Call us

(+45) 93 97 53 88
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Write to us


Consent to the processing of personal data

Processing of your personal data – consent

I hereby consent to Renico collecting and processing my personal data. Personal data includes the following types:

  • Name
  • Address 
  • Email address 
  • Telephone number

The information will not be passed on to a third party.

Information will primarily be used to contact customers in relation to creating awareness about services, news, etc. as well as invoicing and correct record keeping.

Withdrawing your consent to the processing of your personal data

You can always withdraw your consent. You can do this by contacting Renico at email: info@renico.dk

If you would like more information about Renico's personal data policy, please refer to https://renico.dk/privatlivspolitik/where this is described.